Soirée Harira

Unnumbered seats - club

17:30 Doors + Walking diner in the foyer
19:00 - 23:00 Concerts and acts

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Worldly music and acts with walking dinner

Every year, Soirée Harira stands for a diverse cultural offering from local Ghent artists and you will enjoy a worldly buffet and a casual family atmosphere together. This edition we raise a glass to the new year, together with new Afghan, Ukrainian and Syrian Gentenaars. Traditionally, we then say in Ghent, "One with sugar."

All these new Gentenaars brought their music, cuisine and culture with them. They enrich our city and merge with the already cheerful mixture of tastes and colors. So it will be a colorful souk of an evening, because admit it: did you ever see Beatbox, Angolan rap/capoeira, Syrian dabka, Ghent folk and Ukrainian singing together on one stage?


  • Milouda al Hoceima (the Moroccan Madonna)
  • Otra VeZ (a lively flamenco troup )
  • Sadko (a six-member Russian-Ghent band)
  • Florian de Schepper (folk)
  • Liza Dedapper met Operawerf (music theatre and opera)
  • and so much more!

Soirée Harira is an organization of International Committee, Gentse Lente vzw, serdi&crew, Amalvzw and Ha Concerts, with the support of numerous Ghent residents.



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