Istanbul Ekspres: Teoman


standing places

Welkom in Ha

19:00 Doors
20:15 Concert
21:45 End

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Popular rock star TEOMAN is coming to Ha to present his new album Serseri. We are happy to welcome this exceptional artist back to our city.

With brand new songs, as well as timeless classics like Papatya, Kardelen, Paramparca and Istanbulda Sonbahar, an unforgettable evening awaits you!

Teoman (vocals & guitar), Hüseyi̇n Deni̇z Güngör (drums), Caner Üstündağ (bass guitar), Safa Hendem (gi̇taar), Hayretti̇n Serhat Ersöz (keyboard), Alança Oskay (vocals), Taylan Aygar (cello)

as part of Istanbul Ekspres,
in cooperation with De Centrale



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