Summer Camp (6-16 years)

26-30 August '24 - at de Broederij in Ledeberg

Music camp with Mais Quelle Chanson


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Ha Concerts supports children and young people in their music development. To this end, we support music workshops and series such as this one. 

Summer Camp Mais Quelle Chanson

During this music camp in 'de Broederij', we will reflect together on our future. What will it bring us? And what will we look like in it? Will we fly around in cars or wear special suits to protect us from the elements?

What to expect

Together, the children write a brand new song about their own ideas. They also make their own costume to fit into this future. We will work with old clothes to create something completely new.

Of course there will also be a lot of singing, accompanied by Charlotte Caluwaerts and Emma Demoor. There will also be time to play and make things.

Mais Quelle Chanson & De Broederij with support from Ha Concerts.



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