This evening takes place in Dutch
Think Care is a series of multi-part performances that brings together sharp thinkers on stage. Care providers, scientists, opinion makers and artists dissect the medical-ethical dilemmas in a human life and confront us with the big questions of our time. In words, music and images.
What does it do to a person when illness temporarily puts life on hold? Does being sick sharpen our vision and teach us what really matters? Or do we want to return to our old self with all our might and slip into ingrained habits?
Illness is inherent in existence. But do you really belong as a sick person? Are you considered full? How does a loved one's illness affect family and friends? And how do caregivers deal with people who have to say goodbye to who they once were?
Live music: Isolde Lasoen in trio
Host: Lies Steppe, presenter and radio producer at Klara
An initiative of Ghent University Hospital, in cooperation with Handelsreizigers in Ideeën and Ha Concerts