Berlinde Deman x Shahab Azinmehr / Myrddin & Imre De Cauter

Brass with Persian vocals and strings / Flamenco guitar and cello

Unnumbered seats - club

19:00 Doors
20:15 Berlinde Deman & Shahab Azinmehr 
21:15 Myrrdin & Imre De Cauter
22:15 End

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Berlinde Deman x Shahab Azinmehr 

This particular collaboration has roots in an earlier project. Brass extraordinaire Berlinde Deman and Iranian string master Shahab Azinmehr got to know each other through a Sweet Sunday at Ha Concerts, where Iranian Farnoosh Khodadadeh gave insights into her life through stories and intimate music. Together they explore the translation of their souls and where they touch.

As a duo, they explore an extraordinary interplay of timbres. It creates a deep connection and thus mutual inspiration, across language differences, national borders and different backgrounds.

Berlinde Deman x Shahab Azinmehr
Berlinde Deman (tuba, serpent, electronics), Shahab Azinmehr (tar, setar, tanbour, vocals)

Myrddin & Imre De Cauter

Starting from their genetic bond, this duo embarks on a journey rooted in Myrddin's written compositions. His technical virtuosity on guitar, his taste for experimentation and his deeply lyrical sensibility meld into a unique musical world. Cellist Imre complements her virtuoso father in a sensitive, cutting and anointing way. A perfect blend of sharp and soft. They present their debut album.

Imre debuted with her father at the 2018 Gent Jazz Festival. The beginning of a great career was written in the stars. She knows and feels Myrddin's music like no other. With this, the De Cauter family of musicians is successfully putting a new generation of musicians at the forefront.

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This corporation was a fantastic experience for me. I learned one important lesson: 'that you can find at least one point in common with other human beings under any circumstances and despite all the differences. Because we are all human and equal.

Shahab Azinmehr

Terwijl Myrddin mysterieuze verhalen en sprookjes ​brengt met eindeloze intervallen van noten op zijn gitaar, hypnotiseert Imre je ziel met de geluidsgolven van haar cello.

Myrddin & Imre



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